21.   Meanwhile in Sarajevo, UN officials reported two people fatally shot by snipers in a western city suburb early Wednesday evening.

22.   Not wishing to remain in their homes under government authority tens of thousands of Serbs have deserted the city suburbs they held throughout the war.

23.   On Sunday seven people died in a Serb mortar bomb attack on another city suburb.

24.   President Blaise Compaore voted mid-morning in a city suburb with his wife.

25.   Serb inhabitants from the area have largely left as part of the Serb exodus from the city suburbs ahead of their transfer to government control.

26.   State-run television said the deluge inundated several hundred shanty houses in city suburbs, leaving residents to look for shelter.

27.   The capital continues meanwhile to be tense in the city suburbs.

28.   The Bosnian capital was formally re-unified Tuesday after Moslem-Croat police entered the last city suburb that had been held by the Serbs.

29.   The Bosnian capital was formally reunified Tuesday after Moslem-Croat police entered the last city suburb that had been held by the Serbs.

30.   The exclusion zone has never been fully respected, and on Sunday, Serb gunners south of Sarajevo fired on a city suburb killing ten people and wounding dozens.

n. + suburb >>共 79
middle-class 15.10%
city 12.65%
seaside 7.76%
north 6.53%
immigrant 5.71%
east 4.90%
close-in 2.86%
township 2.86%
government 2.45%
hilltop 2.04%
city + n. >>共 698
official 19.40%
center 5.84%
government 3.98%
street 3.96%
centre 3.86%
worker 1.83%
resident 1.71%
authority 1.63%
limit 1.45%
leader 1.44%
suburb 0.18%
每页显示:    共 31