21.   I checked into a face lift,with much unease.

22.   Mr Fitzpatrick and his son had checked into a hotel and had planned to stay for several days while Liam did some business.

23.   He said he battled against the bottle by checking into a private clinic but started drinking as soon as he came out.

24.   Also, check into the many small tributaries that course through this verdant country.

25.   Alvarez reportedly left the accident scene on his own and checked into a Hermosillo hospital, Autobuses representatives said.

26.   And while you are filling your small-office printing needs, HomePC also recommends that you check into the Broderbund Printshop software.

27.   Angry at Kasparaitis for checking him into the boards, Friesen returned the favor, which knocked the stick from the hands of Kasparaitis.

28.   Another former AMI employee, ex-intern Jordan Arizmendi, checked into a hospital where health officials are testing him for the disease, Agwunobi said.

29.   And when the Dallas resident came to New York, he checked into the Garden City Hotel, the only four-star hotel on Long Island.

30.   Any one else might have checked himself into a mental ward after listening to millions of such calls.

v. + into >>共 884
crash 4.56%
step 2.82%
slam 2.67%
fit 2.35%
continue 2.07%
evolve 2.00%
allow 1.96%
flee 1.82%
venture 1.71%
buy 1.71%
check 1.51%
check + p. >>共 53
with 38.00%
into 34.62%
at 6.08%
against 3.53%
before 2.13%
off 1.53%
by 1.30%
through 1.25%
under 1.11%
to 1.11%
每页显示:    共 742