21.   The yacht changed course and approached the island.

22.   They will go to any lengths to get the White House to change course.

23.   We changed our course when we got nearer, and went Over for a look-see.

24.   What happened after the war changed my course of life.

25.   The ship changed course and headed south.

26.   Then he remembered that Woolley had changed the course before he, Callaghan, saw the plane.

27.   Governments and their agents, the monetary authorities, are continually changing course in the conduct of their monetary policies.

28.   Zimbabwe to change course on wildlife policy?

29.   What we need to look at though is how we change course if that means moving the position of the sail across the boat.

v. + course >>共 654
take 12.04%
change 8.53%
reverse 7.40%
run 6.44%
teach 4.30%
offer 3.96%
complete 2.21%
follow 1.65%
set 1.36%
alter 1.33%
change + n. >>共 808
mind 10.90%
name 4.62%
way 4.27%
life 2.56%
law 2.41%
rule 2.32%
hand 2.18%
bond 1.77%
policy 1.76%
course 1.71%
每页显示:    共 499