21.   My hard-charging father died on the job due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

22.   Mrs. Harriman, the American ambassador in Paris, died two weeks ago after a cerebral hemorrhage after swimming in the pool of the nearby Ritz Hotel.

23.   Pitcher Kent Mercker is in intensive care at UC Irvine Medical Center after having a cerebral hemorrhage Thursday night.

24.   Richardson died at the Massachusetts General Hospital from complications after a cerebral hemorrhage, his son Michael reported.

25.   Sen. Paul Coverdell of Georgia, a top Senate Republican leader, underwent brain surgery for a cerebral hemorrhage Monday.

26.   She had had a cerebral hemorrhage, said Gale Monk, her daughter-in-law.

27.   She talks about the grandparents in northern Ohio who raised their grandchild for several years after their daughter died in childbirth from a cerebral hemorrhage.

28.   She woke up in the hospital after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage so severe she was expected to die.

29.   Such a distinction is critical, because giving TPA to a patient who is having a cerebral hemorrhage can increase bleeding, with disastrous results.

30.   The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage, a hospital spokesman said.

a. + hemorrhage >>共 35
cerebral 65.06%
retinal 3.61%
internal 3.01%
massive 3.01%
small 3.01%
subarachnoid 1.81%
financial 1.20%
gastrointestinal 1.20%
fatal 1.20%
recent 1.20%
cerebral + n. >>共 166
hemorrhage 29.11%
haemorrhage 5.12%
malaria 2.96%
edema 2.70%
blood 2.43%
artery 1.89%
approach 1.89%
disease 1.62%
atrophy 1.35%
exercise 1.35%
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