21.   But as casualties have mounted, the debate in Israel has grown over the need for controlling the area.

22.   But some college administrators say the casualties are mounting inconsistently.

23.   Casualties mounted on both sides as violence continued.

24.   Casualties are mounting.

25.   Casualties have mounted in recent months since the Burmese army intensified attacks in an attempt to finally crush the nearly half-century-old Karen rebellion.

26.   Commentators criticized the speech, saying it offered no concrete plan for dealing with the conflict, as casualties mount on both sides.

27.   Federal casualties have mounted sharply in the last few days.

28.   Israeli troop casualties have mounted in the past year, leading to increasing public pressure in Israel for a unilateral troop withdrawal.

29.   Its involvement has become increasingly unpopular at home as Nigerian casualties have mounted, and Nigeria is under international pressure not to scale down its presence.

30.   Its involvement has become increasingly unpopular at home as Nigerian casualties have mounted.

n. + mount >>共 525
pressure 13.65%
tension 8.34%
evidence 3.82%
police 3.13%
concern 2.91%
speculation 2.56%
loss 2.56%
casualty 1.69%
group 1.69%
force 1.48%
casualty + v. >>共 83
be 84.78%
include 2.65%
mount 1.95%
occur 1.80%
come 0.95%
result 0.60%
continue 0.55%
appear 0.40%
have 0.40%
increase 0.30%
每页显示:    共 39