21.   Sound argument based on long-term interest carries little weight against a sound economic argument based on short term interest.

22.   While such a recommendation will obviously carry great weight, the final decision on legal action rests with the local authority as the agency carrying statutory responsibility.

23.   Lynne Dawson, carrying the weight of solo work, never seemed entirely at ease, adding a frantic, nervy quality to even the stillest passages.

24.   In the last analysis the opinions on such matters which carry weight are those of the parents of the pupils concerned.

25.   Although five different quarters are involved, each kind of quarter carries equal weight and so the seasonal effect is eliminated.

26.   Although supporters of SOS say the initiative targets illegal activity and not legal immigration, such a distinction carries little weight among Latino voters, Brischetto said.

27.   Although Miller recanted within a day, her confession carried great weight.

28.   Although Martin could not directly order the agency to take action, his recommendations carried weight and usually were heeded by the EPA.

29.   Although there are choreographic fireworks, and occasional playfulness, flamenco carries a weight born of the fact that most of the people practicing it take life seriously.

30.   Altman carries much weight on her shoulders, particularly in the early scenes.

v. + weight >>共 346
lose 20.05%
lift 10.64%
carry 10.60%
gain 5.87%
throw 5.09%
add 3.48%
give 3.37%
put 2.50%
have 1.91%
feel 1.46%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
每页显示:    共 463