21.   He is accused of planning and carrying out massacres, organising death squads and inciting the population to kill the Tutsis.

22.   He said isolated massacres were carried out soon after that, although the international community insisted on continuing with peace talks.

23.   Arms searches were often used as an excuse to take revenge and carry out massacres, he said.

24.   Area residents have long feared that AUC fighters would sweep into the area and carry out massacres of leftist supporters, as they have done in other Colombian regions.

25.   Before withdrawing to the north, the Bosnian Serbs allegedly carried out massacres of Moslem soldiers and civilians in the town of Sanski Most.

26.   The rebels have been accused of carrying out massacres, together with their Rwandan backers, who deny any involvement or having any troops in Kisangani.

27.   They also want the hated gendarmes, accused of carrying out massacres during unrest last year which left scores dead, to be withdrawn from Kabylie.

28.   Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and SSP have long been accused of carrying out massacres of followers of the minority Shiite sect.

29.   Mystery burglars have struck twice this week at a house where a teenager carried out a cold-blooded massacre at the weekend, officials said Thursday.

30.   The commission could propose an international tribunal to try those accused of carrying out massacres, diplomatic sources said.

v. + massacre >>共 152
investigate 7.60%
condemn 6.68%
follow 5.11%
commit 4.85%
prevent 4.19%
survive 4.06%
carry 3.93%
report 2.88%
escape 2.49%
order 2.36%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
massacre 0.11%
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