21.   Lucas has shown in his new movies a complete discomfort with human beings, who function merely as cardboard cutouts to set off his extravagantly realized digital worlds.

22.   Miller brings sensitivity to a character who seems a cardboard cutout, despite a sympathetic romance with a local munitions worker played by Tanya Allen.

23.   Millner, left, stood with a cardboard cutout in his Atlanta campaign headquarters Friday.

24.   On the tourist side, Houlahan has her picture taken with a cardboard cutout of President Bush.

25.   One man donned a cardboard Christmas tree cutout with an orange siren for a tree topper.

26.   One of the most conspicuous decorative items in his apartment was a larger-than-life cardboard cutout of Betty Grable, his favorite star.

27.   Otherwise, they have fashioned cardboard cutouts of predators and rolled them around.

28.   She is now living a full, three-dimensional life as opposed to being the really obnoxious cardboard cutout that she was before.

29.   Swensen stood mute behind Stern at several press conferences before he hatched a scheme to have cardboard cutouts made of himself and other agency heads for such occasions.

30.   The Coyoacan exhibit was a three-room montage of artifacts, photographs, life-sized reinforced cardboard cutout characters and short historical monographs.

a. + cutout >>共 65
cardboard 36.18%
life-size 8.55%
life-sized 3.95%
wooden 2.63%
square 1.97%
magazine 1.97%
giant 1.97%
huge 1.97%
metal 1.32%
small 1.32%
cardboard + n. >>共 283
box 44.91%
cutout 5.14%
carton 2.24%
sign 2.05%
tube 2.05%
figure 1.21%
container 1.21%
character 1.12%
model 0.84%
coffin 0.75%
每页显示:    共 55