21.   The impressionists sought to capture the moment.

22.   The lifelong dance fan also tried to capture unexpected moments.

23.   The moment was captured on TV and by newspaper photographers.

24.   The moment was captured on film, Cox surrounded by players literally jumping for joy, the manager staring at the big board.

25.   The silence captured a moment of surrender as each person traveled inside to search for Mother Teresa.

26.   The store is capturing the moment.

27.   Throughout history, photographs of politicians have captured a moment that comes to symbolize the way they are perceived.

28.   To capture the moment, Howard had the camera glide past the tree, along the row of Whos and then slowly pull back.

29.   Valis turned to a nearby photographer and asked him to capture the moment.

30.   When he speaks, his delivery is slow and deliberate, rising when needed to emphasize dramatic points and falling slowly to capture tender moments.

v. + moment >>共 407
have 21.57%
take 6.74%
seize 6.63%
enjoy 3.66%
observe 2.97%
savor 2.77%
remember 2.12%
pause 1.96%
capture 1.69%
spend 1.54%
capture + n. >>共 1202
attention 4.41%
imagination 3.36%
image 2.39%
town 2.35%
man 1.75%
essence 1.59%
title 1.41%
soldier 1.29%
city 1.27%
rebel 1.23%
moment 0.89%
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