21.   Most people involved in family planning do what they can to prevent it.

22.   Mutual fund companies, including Fidelity, are doing what they can to prevent portfolio managers from being lured away.

23.   On the stand, the witness said Akayesu had been powerless to prevent killings in Taba and had initially done everything he could to prevent the killings.

24.   So the owners have to do everything they can to prevent the players from reaping the real fruits of their labor.

25.   Suddenly the administration was doing everything it could to prevent the families from collecting.

26.   The university strongly denies that contention, and says it is doing everything it can to prevent suicides.

27.   There is strong evidence that the most savage killings were perpetrated by the former regime and that Patriotic Front commanders have done what they could to prevent reprisal massacres.

28.   They should do all they can to prevent Republican leaders from using the back door to squelch reform.

29.   Today Yamaichi said it will do as much as it can to prevent the closure from causing losses on assets entrusted to Ogawa by its customers.

30.   We want to do everything we can to prevent such problems, even if it costs a bit more during construction.

v. + prevent >>共 399
do 11.92%
use 7.18%
act 5.60%
work 4.61%
can 4.15%
intervene 3.82%
deploy 2.64%
fight 2.11%
impose 1.45%
close 1.25%
can + v. >>共 535
help 9.67%
make 4.88%
keep 4.18%
get 3.75%
prevent 2.96%
avoid 2.35%
become 2.16%
ensure 1.83%
stop 1.74%
protect 1.55%
每页显示:    共 63