21.   Bloomberg is expected to make further appointments this week, including naming a close campaign aide, Ester Fuchs, to a policy position.

22.   Both are issues that her campaign aides suggest could help her standing among female voters.

23.   A campaign aide said Clinton was referring to an amendment by Rep. Gary Ackerman to an appropriations bill.

24.   A campaign aide said he would return to his home in Arizona for the afternoon after a morning visit to Sacramento.

25.   A campaign aide unwittingly meets with a terrorist for sex.

26.   A former Arkansas campaign aide, meanwhile, jumped in on the side of the Frays.

27.   A Lazio campaign spokesman, Dan McLagan, is another former McCain campaign aide.

28.   A McCain campaign aide, Wes Gullett, watched from the back row of seats in the room.

29.   A Sharpton campaign aide was more direct.

30.   After the news media left, she went back to hunting, her campaign aides said.

n. + aide >>共 139
campaign 28.45%
press 6.16%
gore 5.78%
security 5.50%
health 5.32%
administration 4.85%
staff 4.29%
leadership 3.92%
committee 3.73%
government 2.33%
campaign + n. >>共 537
reform 6.62%
trail 6.30%
contribution 5.55%
manager 2.75%
law 2.61%
finance 2.53%
issue 2.44%
official 2.25%
promise 1.97%
aide 1.85%
每页显示:    共 303