21.   When a country lets people like Jimmy Carter and the liberals call the tune, what do you expect?

22.   He who pays the piper calls the tune.

23.   Leave the perception of impropriety unanswered, and the cynical assumption that large donors call the tune could jeopardize the willingness of voters to take part in democratic governance.

24.   The days are over when Washington could call the tune on world policy toward Saddam Hussein.

25.   A deal struck in this key industrial region could call the tune for talks in regions throughout the country.

26.   The South African proposal reverses the traditional donor-recipient relationship in which the donor called the tune.

27.   This proposal reverses the traditional method of dispensing foreign aid in which the donor calls the tune.

28.   The central banker had previously called for higher interest rates, but chancellor of the exchequer Kenneth Clarke, who calls the tune, has not agreed.

v. + tune >>共 161
change 24.89%
play 10.32%
sing 6.37%
carry 4.55%
call 4.25%
hum 3.79%
write 3.19%
whistle 1.82%
hear 1.37%
use 0.91%
call + n. >>共 1109
police 8.44%
election 5.67%
meeting 2.92%
attention 2.52%
witness 2.38%
strike 2.09%
timeout 1.65%
name 1.57%
play 1.34%
company 1.30%
tune 0.17%
每页显示:    共 28