21.   He called the lawyer.

22.   He called his lawyer.

23.   He said the tactics used against Lewinsky, which included discouraging her from calling a lawyer and threatening to prosecute her mother, are standard investigative techniques.

24.   He said he may call their lawyers and said he would invite Juan Miguel Gonzalez to appear.

25.   Hoeber then put politeness aside and called his lawyer.

26.   I finally started calling my lawyer to check them out.

27.   I went back into my apartment, called a lawyer and filed suit against Kiam and the Patriots.

28.   I still love the oldie about the convict who was going to the electric chair and called his lawyer for some advice.

29.   Instead, the sorority called a lawyer in Atlanta that Saturday.

30.   It is another matter when prosecutors, who are officers of the court, overbear a young woman to keep her from calling her lawyer.

v. + lawyer >>共 495
say 11.04%
hire 8.73%
have 7.65%
consult 3.57%
call 2.15%
find 2.02%
see 2.02%
retain 1.83%
appoint 1.68%
pay 1.64%
call + n. >>共 1109
police 8.44%
election 5.67%
meeting 2.92%
attention 2.52%
witness 2.38%
strike 2.09%
timeout 1.65%
name 1.57%
play 1.34%
company 1.30%
lawyer 0.40%
每页显示:    共 68