21.   Given the need to build the prison, it is likely that the show will take at least six months to get on the air.

22.   He said over the weekend that we should stop building prisons that are like Holiday Inns.

23.   He said he was not eager to build more prisons but added that it would be irresponsible to advocate new laws without seeking extra prison space.

24.   Hunt has likened the campaign to more conventional get-tough-on-crime efforts, like building more prisons or putting more police on the street.

25.   Hungry for jobs during the Depression, civic leaders asked for the prison to be built in Terre Haute.

26.   If you build the prisons, the critics say, criminals will come.

27.   If we are going to lock people up for giving lousy forecasts and lousy advice, we are going to have to build more prisons.

28.   Legislators said they wanted to build more prisons but lacked the money.

29.   Lawrence said CCA does not build speculative prisons.

30.   Many states continue to make headlines because of overcrowded prisons and jails, mostly in cases where the state has not built new prisons as fast as elsewhere.

v. + prison >>共 297
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build + n. >>共 855
house 3.56%
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case 1.36%
reputation 1.36%
road 1.35%
team 1.14%
prison 0.42%
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