21.   Eleven elderly Serbs were under police guard as they swept up broken glass from what appeared to have been a looting spree through downtown shops.

22.   Glass-break detectors, the most popular choice, respond to the sound of breaking glass, allowing windows to be opened and closed.

23.   Growing impatient, the gunman struck him in the head with the pistol, breaking his glasses and sending blood spurting everywhere.

24.   He has unlimited time to read -- until he breaks his glasses.

25.   He was wiping the spilled drink off the floor after breaking the glass, right?

26.   I distinctly remember wishing for a giant Arctic storm to knock out electricity, freeze water, break glass, and kill fish.

27.   I would break glass.

28.   If the frame is sitting flat and evenly on the work surface, this should work without breaking the glass.

29.   If the door has glass panels an intruder can easily break the glass, reach in and unlock the door.

30.   Later that day, he allegedly threw her against a window, breaking the glass, bruising and scratching her.

v. + glass >>共 429
wear 10.30%
raise 5.24%
have 4.84%
break 3.39%
fill 3.35%
drink 3.35%
shatter 2.60%
hold 2.25%
take 1.72%
use 1.67%
break + n. >>共 537
law 7.95%
rule 4.12%
deadlock 3.95%
ground 3.59%
record 3.58%
window 3.38%
leg 3.01%
rank 2.55%
tie 2.40%
bone 2.17%
glass 0.55%
每页显示:    共 77