21.   Business interests oppose breaching the dams.

22.   Bush noted that, during the campaign, he opposed breaching hydroelectric dams in the Pacific Northwest to protect salmon because the energy was needed.

23.   Bush has pledged to block any attempt to breach the dams and his campaign criticized Gore Friday for not taking a position.

24.   Clinton administration officials this summer said they will not recommend breaching the dams for at least eight years to give a salmon recovery plan time to work.

25.   Gore says he is committed to restoring salmon runs, but breaching the dams needs more scientific study.

26.   He said he wants scientists and the businessmen who would be affected by breaching Snake River dams to study the matter.

27.   Industry and labor officials say that breaching the dams, as environmentalists suggest, would threaten farming, other businesses and jobs.

28.   Kitzhaber, the only Democratic governor to support Bill Bradley during the presidential primaries, advocates breaching the dams.

29.   Sportsmen groups and environmentalists continued to maintain that breaching dams remains the best solution.

30.   Vice President Al Gore had advocated breaching the dams.

v. + dam >>共 143
build 28.37%
breach 5.95%
remove 5.36%
operate 2.18%
construct 2.18%
prevent 2.18%
use 2.18%
burst 1.59%
open 1.19%
complete 1.19%
breach + n. >>共 170
contract 9.22%
law 5.18%
agreement 5.18%
rule 4.67%
security 4.04%
dam 3.79%
barrier 3.03%
regulation 2.53%
duty 2.40%
wall 2.02%
每页显示:    共 30