21.   Short sellers borrow stock on the expectation it will drop.

22.   Short sellers borrow stocks and sell them, hoping their prices will fall so they can buy them back for less and pocket the difference as profit.

23.   Short-sellers borrow stock, betting the price will decline and enable them to buy the shares at a lower price when they have to return them.

24.   Short-sellers borrow stock, betting the price will decline, enabling them to buy the shares at the lower price to make a profit.

25.   Short-sellers, who borrow stocks and immediately sell them in the hopes of buying them back at a cheaper price, were one exception, Hedges said.

26.   Short sellers borrow stock and sell it, wagering they can make money by buying the stock later at lower prices to return borrowed shares.

27.   Short-sellers borrow stock and sell it hoping the price will fall and they can buy it back cheaper, pocketing the difference.

28.   Tax treatment of short-sellers is unfavorable, it is often hard to borrow stocks to sell short and there is a rule against selling short on downticks.

29.   Stock lending is when large investors borrow stocks from the Japan Securities Finance Company, which they later return with interest.

30.   The commission is seeking out short-sellers, investors who borrow stocks and sell them, hoping to buy them back later at a lower price.

v. + stock >>共 471
buy 11.04%
sell 10.66%
mix 9.40%
change 3.19%
own 2.67%
take 2.25%
hurt 2.17%
trade 2.07%
send 1.87%
boost 1.69%
borrow 0.29%
borrow + n. >>共 460
money 43.63%
cost 3.95%
fund 3.04%
share 2.77%
idea 1.63%
car 1.60%
stock 1.44%
page 1.29%
book 1.10%
rate 0.99%
每页显示:    共 38