21.   The bill would also limit investigations to two years, with one-year extensions for good cause.

22.   The bill would limit damage awards on all civil suits in both federal and state courts.

23.   The bill would limit the ability of a financial holding company to enter nonfinancial businesses and of nonfinancial companies to own banks.

24.   The bill would limit the ability of insurers and employers to deny coverage to people because of prior illness or disability.

25.   The bill would not limit contributions to state party organizations.

26.   The bill also would limit an important legal tenet known as joint and several liability.

27.   The bill also would limit issue-oriented advertising that advocates or targets a particular candidate.

28.   The bill does not limit how much an insurer can charge someone in poor health for individual coverage.

29.   The bill limited the power of federal courts to review state court proceedings for all crimes, not just for terrorism-related offenses.

30.   The bill limits the infringement liability of Internet access providers that unknowingly store, transmit or link World Wide Web users to copyrighted material.

n. + limit >>共 792
law 6.60%
government 4.35%
rule 2.95%
bill 2.67%
state 1.64%
injury 1.56%
company 1.52%
constitution 1.19%
term 1.19%
measure 1.15%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
become 2.15%
limit 0.54%
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