21.   Dole relied heavily on the support of these governors to carry the primaries, and they could be a big help in November, too.

22.   Discount space from the incubator would have been a big help, Ms. Willman said.

23.   Even the smaller reduction would be a big help to budget balancers.

24.   Even with these limitations, the service should be a big help to consumers, many of whom have only the vaguest notion of what rates they are paying.

25.   Gingrich has been a big help in lobbying Dole to press more vigorously here, Herrington said.

26.   Growers were able to plant early this year, a big help in getting ahead of hostile weather.

27.   He has been a big help to me, and a great friend.

28.   He has been a big help.

29.   Hiring Capps and Smith will be a big help to Microsoft, analysts said.

a. + help >>共 771
financial 7.49%
medical 5.47%
international 4.30%
professional 3.21%
outside 3.17%
federal 2.64%
extra 2.59%
military 2.44%
big 2.11%
foreign 1.94%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
help 0.20%
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