21.   When it was time to find a distributor, Palca said, several studios were interested.

22.   Wherever these roses are found it is likely they were planted a long, long time ago.

23.   If there are significant problems found, they also will consider a full hand-recount of all precincts.

24.   The disorder, if found early, can be better treated.

25.   They were all found hemmed in tiny pockets of air, barely large enough for them to lie down in.

26.   Greece were the first European qualifiers and the first to exit after finding they were out of their depth.

27.   If found guilty of the offence the standard punishment is a six-week suspension, meaning he would miss the Murrayfield game.

28.   If found guilty, the suspects would be the first Khmer Rouge cadres to be convicted of terrorist activity in Phnom Penh.

29.   Even if found guilty, the death sentence is not automatic.

30.   Legal experts here said that under Pakistan law if found guilty the accused could be sentenced to death.

v. + find >>共 407
return 7.63%
arrive 5.78%
work 5.02%
awake 4.20%
say 3.92%
use 3.92%
wake 2.13%
be 2.06%
do 1.93%
surprise 1.79%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
find 0.21%
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