21.   Sinden said the sticky wicket is balancing the interests of Bourque as well as the team.

22.   Some members said the group did a good job of balancing competing interests.

23.   Some legal observers contend that the courts and corporations are using trademark law, which is meant to balance commercial interests, in a fundamentally noncommercial dispute.

24.   Sutherland acknowledged Tuesday it is difficult to balance both interests.

25.   The administration has so far avoided an official answer as it tries to balance competing interests.

26.   The Arizona State Parks system, which owns the land, is trying, with some difficulty, to balance the interests of visitors with those of preservationists.

27.   The Lebanese are used to governments that balance factional interests.

28.   The reasonable point, at which national security interests are balanced against free speech traditions, is difficult to achieve.

29.   To be sure, most of corporate America believes in the power of the free market to balance competing interests.

30.   We had to balance the interest of fans in Los Angeles and in St. Louis that we appreciate very much.

v. + interest >>共 475
have 15.41%
express 13.44%
show 9.06%
lose 3.54%
pay 2.79%
protect 2.16%
take 2.12%
attract 2.03%
represent 1.77%
draw 1.60%
balance 0.29%
balance + n. >>共 672
budget 43.57%
book 3.70%
need 2.35%
checkbook 2.05%
demand 1.52%
interest 1.36%
account 1.22%
concern 0.89%
risk 0.63%
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每页显示:    共 41