21.   But the money issue is more troubling than the bad manners.

22.   Giguerre predicts that over the summer, parents will see a spate of bad manners.

23.   He tells of her publicly berating thugs for their bad manners.

24.   His bad manners were tolerated because of the greatness of the discovery he had made, and because of its gathering aftermath.

25.   However, the NBA has no rules prohibiting bad manners.

26.   If the woman gets there first and opens the door herself, it is bad manners to let it slam in his face.

27.   If our booers were indeed more interested in the singing of the opera than the opera itself, their bad manners had a point.

28.   Is that bad manners or what?

29.   It also is bad manners.

30.   It is another Cossack toast, and it is considered extremely bad manners to offer any more toasts or require any more drinking once a guest has uttered it.

a. + manner >>共 1144
same 5.43%
good 5.15%
timely 2.75%
similar 2.72%
bad 2.09%
usual 1.16%
different 1.16%
such 1.09%
orderly 1.06%
easy 0.97%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
manner 0.28%
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