21.   Egyptian authorities have denied that he was recently in their country.

22.   He said the authority was studying its legal rights under the injunction to determine if it allowed the authority to deny them their jobs immediately after they return.

23.   In some case, the authorities reportedly have denied the detainees access to counsel or even contact with family members.

24.   Israeli authorities denied responsibility for the explosion even though Qadi was wanted by them.

25.   Israel said that some of the wounded Gazans had been struck by bullets fired by the Palestinian police, but the Palestinian authorities denied it.

26.   Israeli authorities have adamantly denied that they were trying to assassinate Rajoub, who is known as one of the more moderate and pragmatic Palestinian officials.

27.   Mashal was admitted to a hospital, where doctors said he had suffered a concussion and was vomiting, but the Jordanian authorities denied that he had been attacked.

28.   Mexican authorities have denied that the minister has any connections to drug traffickers.

29.   Ms. Jones later received a sentence of probation on the charges, but the authorities deny that any deal occurred.

30.   Officially, Macedonian authorities deny wrongdoing and say they are merely seeking to maintain order in a desperately difficult situation.

n. + deny >>共 544
official 18.30%
government 9.67%
company 4.30%
spokesman 3.54%
authority 2.90%
police 2.32%
leader 2.13%
army 1.87%
military 1.79%
group 1.77%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
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