21.   Lately, the company has gained from Czech athletic prowess.

22.   Local legend holds that Glades track and football players learn speed and athletic prowess from years spent chasing down rabbits.

23.   Nor did Gingrich mention sports figures, who are sometimes honored and admired for their athletic prowess regardless of publicly exposed misconduct and crimes that would ostracize lesser mortals.

24.   Notwithstanding a malformed foot, he was as famous for his athletic prowess as for his brand of cynicism.

25.   Nye, hardly the epitome of conventional athletic prowess, notes that skilled Ultimate players need not be muscular or tall for the non-contact sport.

26.   Or should he massage my middle-aged ego, let me score a TD, and thus relive old memories of athletic prowess?

27.   Retik, too, was known for his brains, athletic prowess, and generosity.

28.   Schools can still use other race-neutral considerations to boost enrollment of certain desired students, such as athletic prowess.

29.   So when my firstborn showed early signs of athletic prowess, I seized the chance, if only in a vicarious sense.

30.   The Australian Institute of Sport has been funding a program which uses a computer to compare physical attributes of children to screen for athletic prowess in particular sports.

a. + prowess >>共 205
sexual 7.88%
athletic 7.06%
military 5.75%
physical 5.75%
technical 4.43%
technological 4.11%
fund-raising 3.94%
defensive 2.96%
marketing 2.13%
offensive 1.97%
athletic + n. >>共 604
director 29.01%
department 8.55%
ability 4.64%
shoe 3.95%
scholarship 3.17%
program 2.25%
event 1.75%
career 1.71%
competition 1.40%
team 1.40%
prowess 0.93%
每页显示:    共 43