21.   As a result, manufacturers and distributors have another five months to sell as many assault weapons as they wish.

22.   As both parties have moved to the middle, Smith has stayed to the right on issues from abortion to assault weapons.

23.   As crowds streamed in, some carried caps and gowns into the commencement hall and others toted unloaded pistols, rifles and assault weapons into the gun show nearby.

24.   As governor of Missouri, he sought to allow the use of concealed weapons and in the Senate voted against safety locks and a ban on assault weapons.

25.   Ashcroft opposed bans on assault weapons.

26.   Assault weapons are meant to kill people, not animals.

27.   Assault weapons have no place in the arsenal of hunters, the group the NRA insists it is protecting.

28.   Assault weapons with large-capacity clips were used to mow down children in recent schoolyard shootings in Arkansas and Oregon.

29.   At nearly every public appearance, he reminds people that he was the only Republican to vote for the ban on assault weapons.

30.   At the same time, her predecessor may have gone too far by opposing abortion rights and supporting a repeal of the ban on assault weapons.

n. + weapon >>共 263
assault 24.68%
murder 18.80%
germ 4.85%
laser 3.83%
destruction 2.46%
high-tech 2.46%
rebel 2.19%
service 1.50%
assault-style 1.23%
police 1.03%
assault + n. >>共 110
rifle 47.36%
weapon 15.39%
charge 15.35%
ban 4.22%
ship 1.92%
case 1.79%
conviction 1.62%
vehicle 0.90%
course 0.77%
team 0.72%
每页显示:    共 359