21.   Meanwhile, a Jewish militant leader was arrested in Hebron.

22.   Musharraf has arrested leaders of the two groups and dozens of their members, and has frozen their financial assets.

23.   No leaders were arrested, he said, but the authorities seized ranches, houses, and bank accounts.

24.   Officials charged that several leftist grass-roots civilian groups were acting as fronts for the EPR and began arresting their leaders.

25.   On the other, it began banning right-wing groups and arresting their leaders.

26.   Police officers have raided offices of the only legal Kurdish political party, arresting important leaders on charges of plotting separatism.

27.   Pakistan arrested several leaders of the groups in recent days, and Musharraf is said to have ordered a suspension of support to both.

28.   Previously, their leaders had been arrested and accounts frozen after the United States declared them to be terrorist groups.

29.   Previously, their leaders had been arrested and their accounts frozen after the United States declared them to be terrorist groups.

30.   President Ernesto Zedillo ordered the army and federal police to arrest the leaders of the rebel Zapatista National Liberation Army on Thursday.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
arrest + n. >>共 443
man 15.00%
people 14.33%
suspect 9.04%
member 2.97%
leader 2.55%
militant 1.83%
dozen 1.69%
protester 1.59%
hundred 1.51%
student 1.45%
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