21.   The Biomedical Institute, along with France and the United States are sponsors of the controversial Bion project, which has aroused the ire of animal rights activists.

22.   Three decades after Peron was toppled, President Raul Alfonsin came to grief trying to impose an anti-Peronist program that aroused the ire of the unions.

23.   In March Horn aroused the ire of MZSP deputies and the trade unions when the government decided to sack several thousand civil servants and public sector officials.

24.   Barkley also aroused his ire in November when he played poorly after returning from a Las Vegas gambling trip the morning of a game.

25.   But the treasury has aroused most ire by targeting social welfare and health benefits.

26.   Players had offered to play during talks, arousing the ire of fans at the owners.

27.   Ravitch has usually been alone at talks, arousing ire from players who attend.

28.   That would arouse the ire of union leaders who consider all such players strikebreakers with no allowance for development games by minor-league players and monitored by scab umpires.

v. + ire >>共 63
draw 35.06%
raise 22.92%
arouse 6.29%
earn 2.92%
provoke 2.70%
risk 2.70%
rouse 2.70%
direct 2.47%
attract 1.57%
stir 1.57%
arouse + n. >>共 169
suspicion 18.70%
interest 7.10%
concern 5.68%
opposition 4.62%
passion 3.91%
ire 3.31%
fear 3.31%
emotion 2.96%
anger 2.60%
curiosity 2.60%
每页显示:    共 28