21.   After emptying the villages along Kosovo border, the army withdrew, according to the Montenegro state-run radio station.

22.   But on Tuesday, they said no talks could be held until the army withdrew from strategic rebel areas that have been captured since last December.

23.   But on Tuesday, they said no talks could be held until the army withdrew from strategic rebel areas that have been captured since December last.

24.   But hours after the Israeli army withdrew Saturday, Palestinian rioters forced their way past Palestinian guards into the compound.

25.   But observers in Islamabad say if the Pakistan army withdrew its troops and artillery support, the guerrillas would have little chance of holding on.

26.   Earlier Wednesday, Peres said if the shooting stops and the Israeli army withdraws, talks on an overall cease-fire could start next week.

27.   Esther also assured that the rebels would not threaten rivals when the army withdraws from posts near their territory, a rebel demand for restarting peace talks.

28.   Even when the army withdraws from West Bank towns, it will remain in the West Bank for the time being to protect Jewish settlements.

29.   Even after the army withdraws from West Bank towns, it will remain elsewhere in the West Bank to protect Jewish settlements.

30.   Geula Cohen, a former right-wing lawmaker, warned that the army must not withdraw troops from Hebron.

n. + withdraw >>共 474
troop 14.93%
force 8.92%
government 5.76%
company 3.58%
army 3.44%
party 2.32%
rebel 2.32%
police 2.18%
investor 1.90%
soldier 1.76%
army + v. >>共 578
say 22.33%
be 5.55%
have 2.61%
deny 1.86%
confirm 1.51%
launch 1.46%
take 1.30%
begin 1.12%
use 1.09%
report 0.89%
withdraw 0.78%
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