21.   This area did not receive much sun, but the hedge grew thick and healthy.

22.   A few areas will receive at least some brief heavy rain, which may help slightly to relieve the ongoing very dry conditions.

23.   But chances that Serb areas would receive much money this year have shrunk because of a Serb boycott of the meeting.

24.   Forecasters disagreed on whether the area will receive much-needed rain over the next week, said analyst Marty Colgan with LFG, a commodities broker in Chicago.

25.   In both El Nino and La Nina, the area receives less snow in early and midwinter, than in the winters without these phenomena.

26.   Many already-flooded areas received more rain on Friday.

27.   Many areas were still receiving their first aid, more than a week after the storm disappeared.

28.   More specifically, the financial areas received top attention as the key to unravelling the bubble-burst economy.

29.   Most areas received rain during the weekend, and meteorological officials said widespread rains were set to continue through Wednesday.

30.   Most other area received up to a half inch.

n. + receive >>共 1000
company 3.61%
police 1.98%
patient 1.72%
family 1.72%
worker 1.57%
group 1.47%
player 1.46%
child 1.45%
official 1.41%
people 1.41%
area 0.32%
area + v. >>共 631
be 47.53%
have 6.99%
include 3.44%
remain 2.83%
become 2.20%
see 0.94%
come 0.92%
offer 0.78%
suffer 0.74%
need 0.74%
receive 0.71%
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