21.   He and his supporters appeared to scuttle attempts for form a legislature, though Karzai could still appoint a commission to form some kind of advisory council.

22.   He said he would appoint a commission to develop recommendations this fall for better regulation of agricultural runoff.

23.   He said that he will appoint a commission from outside Northeastern in about two weeks.

24.   He should appoint a commission in the firm expectation that the problem will diminish with time.

25.   If the FCC found the system unsuitable, it could appoint a commission to create a new one.

26.   In response to the public outcry, the government hastily appointed a commission of parliamentarians to investigate charges of police negligence.

27.   Instead, he said, the three leaders will appoint a commission to analyze the effectiveness of the changes, in particular their impact on prison overcrowding.

28.   In Washington bills propose that Congress apologize for slavery and that the president appoint a commission to consider reparations.

29.   Kane said the FDA should appoint a commission to consider the larger issues of drug trials and follow-up.

30.   Kelly responded by appointing a commission to investigate the allegations.

v. + commission >>共 455
set_up 10.19%
create 5.96%
appoint 4.81%
establish 4.54%
pay 4.40%
head 3.66%
receive 3.08%
ask 2.20%
charge 2.13%
form 2.13%
appoint + n. >>共 343
member 7.66%
commission 6.22%
judge 5.04%
successor 3.11%
minister 2.85%
replacement 2.71%
governor 2.58%
lawyer 2.32%
woman 2.28%
director 1.88%
每页显示:    共 141