21.   Johnson protested at a regents meeting that it was faulty because it focused on the negative aspects of the apparel industry.

22.   Lower polyester prices and slack demand from the struggling apparel industry mean that division must improve productivity to boost profits.

23.   Merry-Go-Round personifies the sad state of the apparel industry, both in the way it ran the business in recent years, and the calamity that befell it.

24.   Monitoring is one of the most pressing issues in the apparel industry today.

25.   Nor is the apparel industry a singular case.

26.   On the plus side, the long-ailing apparel industry continued its rebound last month.

27.   Opponents include Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., both of whom represent constituencies with threatened apparel industries.

28.   Organized labor, worried over the impact on jobs in the apparel industry, also opposes the bill.

29.   Otto Grote, retail analyst for Derby Securities in New York, blamed a soft retail climate and problems in the apparel industry for the closings.

30.   Outsourcing and technology are the top issues facing the apparel industry as the Bobbin Americas show opens in Atlanta today at the Georgia World Congress Center.

n. + industry >>共 483
tobacco 5.90%
oil 3.86%
auto 3.65%
computer 3.19%
airline 2.84%
entertainment 2.78%
construction 2.45%
service 2.36%
music 2.18%
telecommunication 2.15%
apparel 0.26%
apparel + n. >>共 122
retailer 11.39%
sale 8.92%
company 8.50%
industry 7.82%
maker 7.82%
store 6.17%
business 4.80%
chain 4.66%
manufacturer 4.12%
line 2.74%
每页显示:    共 57