21.   But Zeneca chose to accelerate the timetable, though few analysts anticipated that the deal would be completed so soon.

22.   Consulting and maintenance fees are expected to generate the revenue anticipated by analysts, the company said.

23.   Despite the new threat, some security analysts anticipate that Compuserve will continue to prosper.

24.   Early on, analysts anticipated a sizable audience.

25.   Few analysts had anticipated that the deal would be completed so soon.

26.   Few analysts anticipate a big gain today.

27.   Industry analysts anticipate a merger of the two leagues within three years, but are not counting out the ABL.

28.   It was the smallest increase since August, although the gain was twice what analysts had anticipated.

29.   Many analysts had anticipated most Japanese banks would spread their bad-loan write-offs over a period of two to three years.

30.   Mead Data fetched a price that was at the upper end of the range anticipated by analysts.

n. + anticipate >>共 319
investor 15.70%
analyst 8.79%
trader 7.85%
company 6.74%
market 5.63%
official 3.84%
expert 1.71%
government 1.19%
people 1.19%
economist 1.11%
analyst + v. >>共 240
say 55.41%
expect 7.01%
be 3.22%
believe 3.15%
predict 2.90%
agree 1.47%
warn 1.33%
see 1.32%
suggest 1.16%
think 1.15%
anticipate 0.28%
每页显示:    共 102