21.   A northern alliance commander has entered besieged Kunduz, the northern alliance said Sunday.

22.   Afghan factions are closer to a deal on a post-Taliban administration after the northern alliance said it might accept foreign troops to provide security.

23.   An opposition alliance said Tuesday it will not join in a meeting of all political parties called by President Pervez Musharraf to discuss rising tensions with India.

24.   And the Western alliance said the airstrikes would continue until Milosevic took concrete steps required under the peace formula.

25.   And while the alliance has said it will launch airstrikes, it has so far refrained from doing that.

26.   Asked whether the feared carving up of Kosovo would lead to NATO ground troop involvement, said the alliance plans no such action.

27.   Backed by heavy U.S. bombing, the opposition northern alliance said Tuesday it captured several areas to the south of the city.

28.   Backed by U.S. bombing, the northern alliance said it captured several areas south of the city on Tuesday.

29.   Backed by heavy U.S. bombing, the northern alliance said Tuesday it captured several areas to the south of the city.

30.   British paratroopers shot and killed a Yugoslav police reservist Sunday after the man fired a pistol at a NATO patrol, the alliance said.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
alliance 0.03%
alliance + v. >>共 550
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take 1.64%
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