21.   Although the party has backed the action, one of its leaders, Claudia Roth, called for a suspension of the bombing to allow aid to reach Afghanistan.

22.   Also, there is no one to ensure the aid reaches its target.

23.   And it said existing sanctions on the Taliban-run airline should be lifted so international aid can reach the country more easily.

24.   Both the United States and EU officials have been seeking assurances from the Russian government that the food aid reaches those who need it most.

25.   But aid was not reaching everyone, leading to frustration and anger.

26.   But reluctance could stem from fears that the aid might not reach the hungry.

27.   But with the warlords once again in control, no one can say with certainty if aid will still reach the needy.

28.   Countries represented at the Stuttgart meeting had volunteered for a mission intended to ensure that humanitarian aid reached Rwandan refugees in eastern Zaire.

29.   EU foreign ministers agreed on principle Monday to back the package, but insisted on tight controls to ensure the aid reaches the needy, not profiteers.

30.   EU Humanitarian Affairs Commissioner Emma Bonino on Friday questioned relief aid can reach refugees fleeing the fighting in eastern Zaire on time.

n. + reach >>共 1026
telephone 4.90%
side 3.16%
team 1.81%
company 1.54%
party 1.04%
phone 0.98%
negotiator 0.90%
government 0.89%
convoy 0.85%
jury 0.83%
aid 0.77%
aid + v. >>共 300
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reach 4.62%
come 4.38%
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