21.   Dr Boutros-Ghali has already said he favours the idea but it appears to have divided UN peace-keepers in Bosnia and the main UN aid agency.

22.   A group of aid agencies and churches have banded together and succeeded in getting the cooperation of the rebels and the government in the long running civil war.

23.   Already the children are straining the capacity of the aid agencies in the area, clogging the emergency compounds set up to care for them.

24.   And aid agencies eager to give returning refugees a boost may be stirring antagonisms by offering them services that are not available to the average Rwandan.

25.   And so aid agencies have been turning more to programs that involve Somalis directly and are claiming some success.

26.   And without the money and direction of the aid agencies, the relief effort is barely moving.

27.   Anticipating a huge exodus of Afghans if the United States strikes at their country, international aid agencies have already begun a major relief effort in the region.

28.   Around the same time, programs on Zairian state radio and television accused U.N. workers and aid agencies of arming the Tutsi.

29.   As bombs continue to rain down on Afghanistan, aid agencies are fighting their own behind-the-scenes battles in preparing to deal with mass human suffering.

30.   As refugees are returning home to Kosovo, the authorities and aid agencies are beginning to compile lists of missing people.

n. + agency >>共 316
government 16.05%
aid 9.42%
enforcement 6.94%
intelligence 5.81%
law 5.80%
relief 5.39%
refugee 4.63%
space 3.43%
ad 2.12%
security 2.04%
aid + n. >>共 267
worker 26.77%
agency 12.30%
group 7.32%
package 5.19%
official 4.96%
organization 4.26%
convoy 3.97%
program 3.43%
flight 1.60%
effort 1.38%
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