21.   But mental health advocates contend that such a standard results in defendants simply going to prison and receiving shoddy mental health care there.

22.   But privacy advocates contend that such practices open a new window of surveillance on a traditionally private sphere of communications.

23.   But some advocates of gun control contend that the law did not go far enough to close loopholes in federal gun laws.

24.   But the privacy advocates contend that even the latest proposal would allow an unacceptable expansion of wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance by law-enforcement officials.

25.   Civil liberties advocates are contending in several court cases that the assertion of property rights by copyright owners restricts the development of technologies.

26.   Fair trade advocates contend prices on futures markets are distorted by speculators, who often over-react to fluctuations in supply and demand, artificially depressing or elevating prices.

27.   Gay rights advocates contend that the Defense of Marriage Act serves no purpose because the Hawaii decision will remain tied up on appeal for another two years.

28.   Immigration advocates contend that the law can lead to the improper return of people facing oppression in their homelands.

29.   Indeed, the advocates contend, lenders are promoting the studies with the same aggressiveness with which they marketed high-rate credit cards to marginally solvent consumers.

30.   It also made it harder for less-well known acts to get airplay, artist advocates contend.

n. + contend >>共 627
critic 8.29%
official 6.96%
prosecutor 5.29%
government 4.73%
lawyer 2.89%
group 2.73%
company 2.47%
defense 2.42%
suit 2.27%
opponent 2.09%
advocate 1.42%
advocate + v. >>共 427
say 35.09%
be 6.21%
argue 3.16%
contend 1.79%
want 1.59%
criticize 1.54%
hope 1.51%
call 1.48%
have 1.34%
complain 1.31%
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