21.   The plan also would require health care providers to send patients a notice describing how they use electronic medical information and advise patients in advance of any changes.

22.   They must evaluate an ever-broader range of treatments and do more preventive care, advising patients on smoking, obesity and other dangers.

23.   Interpreters are on hand to advise patients and reassure their families.

v. + patient >>共 702
treat 12.67%
help 3.82%
see 2.82%
refer 2.57%
kill 1.80%
protect 1.44%
send 1.36%
take 1.31%
examine 1.25%
admit 1.23%
advise 0.44%
advise + n. >>共 452
government 7.13%
client 5.71%
company 5.58%
caution 4.65%
people 3.23%
president 2.36%
student 1.43%
patient 1.43%
woman 1.36%
official 1.30%
每页显示:    共 23