21.   Washington should advance these interests through trade agreements that lower barriers to imports and investment.

22.   With unions less able to use strikes to advance the interests of workers, only government has the power to curb excesses by employers.

23.   But the disabled believed that they could advance their interests through other candidates.

24.   Corruption is widespread in Russian politics, and many politicians and the media have warned that Russian criminal groups will actively support candidates they believe can advance their interests.

25.   However, some fear it could be used to advance the interests of the Kremlin entourage.

26.   Number one, it must advance the interests of all the Partners for Peace, the security interest of all of them, including Russia.

27.   Some outspoken community leaders feel it is time they took a more forceful position in advancing their interests.

28.   When the tenets of Islam are misinterpreted by certain quarters to advance private interests, women and children are usually the first casualties.

29.   He acknowledged abuses persisted but said his strategy of engagement was more likely to advance US interests.

30.   It will also recommend policy approaches to ensure national interests are advanced and assess their implications for operations of the foreign affairs and trade portfolio.

v. + interest >>共 475
have 15.41%
express 13.44%
show 9.06%
lose 3.54%
pay 2.79%
protect 2.16%
take 2.12%
attract 2.03%
represent 1.77%
draw 1.60%
advance 0.22%
advance + n. >>共 502
cause 5.15%
runner 4.29%
technology 2.82%
career 2.76%
force 2.09%
theory 2.02%
interest 1.90%
idea 1.60%
ball 1.41%
talk 1.41%
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