21.   The Employee Access Account provides direct deposit of paychecks, monthly account statements, credit cards and other services similar to those offered by credit unions.

22.   The firm is hiring new traders and preparing to roll out new technology that includes sending customers their account statements over the Internet.

23.   The insurers said they lost money, after agreeing to issue the policies on the basis of fraudulent Spear, Leeds account statements.

24.   The insurers charged that Spear, Leeds helped prepare fraudulent account statements for customer Marvin Goodman.

25.   The notices often are hidden among account statements.

26.   The staff specialists on aging are a crucial part of training and the design of sales brochures and account statements.

27.   Those phony account statements covered up huge losses and allowed Armstrong to commingle client money to advance his scheme, prosecutors contend.

28.   Using the Internet they can more easily keep track of their trades, check the prices of securities and have ready access to their account statements.

29.   When account statements arrive in the mail, verifying the mileage against all the different ways it was earned can be tougher than balancing a checkbook.

30.   Addressing a news conference, Berisha suggested that a majority of investors in the two schemes would get account statements, rather than cash payments.

n. + statement >>共 494
government 9.94%
ministry 8.16%
police 7.16%
army 4.85%
policy 4.28%
press 3.94%
fashion 3.92%
company 2.56%
mission 2.52%
proxy 2.35%
account 1.04%
account + n. >>共 328
holder 12.32%
number 8.06%
information 4.90%
manager 4.19%
balance 4.19%
statement 3.87%
receivable 3.48%
director 2.69%
book 2.37%
department 1.66%
每页显示:    共 49