21.   He issued a new order saying peace accords would have to be taken into account in any deployment decisions.

22.   Randzio-Plath said the accord has broad-based support, but faces opposition in the Europarliament from small far-right and environmentalist parties.

23.   Russia and Iran deny it and say their accords have no military value, but both the United States and Israel are skeptical.

24.   Such accord would have to deal with final borders, the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlements.

25.   Such an accord would have to deal with final borders, the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlements.

26.   The accord had to do with potential national security and law enforcement problems.

27.   Such an accord would have to set final borders and determine the status of Jerusalem.

28.   Such an accord would have to deal with issues such as final borders, the status of Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees and Jewish settlements.

29.   That accord would have to be approved by voters in both the British-ruled north and the Irish Republic.

30.   The accord would have South Korea supply its rival with new nuclear reactors less capable of producing weapons-grade material.

n. + have >>共 1318
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
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accord 0.03%
accord + v. >>共 388
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