11.   It is said that initially, there were some complaints from the local staff about young Japanese volunteers.

12.   On the other side are the police widows, the young volunteers, the mother, the cop, the bomber pilot, Sammy Sosa, Rosa Parks.

13.   Older villagers, most of them with military service in the Soviet army, supervise the young volunteers.

14.   She met another young Vista volunteer named Charles Tierney from Rochester, N.Y.

15.   The article quotes a former chauffeur and a campaign treasurer as saying that Gingrich had an affair with a young volunteer during the campaign.

16.   The book is about a group of young Jewish volunteers whose mission is to destroy Hitler.

17.   The opponent he defeated, former Assemblyman Richard Katz, credited Alarcon and state Assemblyman Tony Cardenas with using young volunteers effectively in their campaigns.

18.   They finally bathed a few young volunteers and renamed them McGinty for the occasion.

19.   They recruited eight young volunteers to go into stores to buy spray paint and broad-tip markers.

20.   One young volunteer squinted down the street as his group waited to be let allowed to begin its grisly task.

a. + volunteer >>共 373
healthy 6.43%
local 5.23%
civilian 3.26%
young 3.17%
former 2.40%
foreign 2.06%
unpaid 1.97%
church 1.89%
new 1.80%
human 1.80%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
volunteer 0.08%
每页显示:    共 37