11.   The Palestinian police, in fact, turned their rifles on young Palestinian protesters in mid-October, killing two people, a rare example of deadly infighting.

12.   The resulting turmoil in the party, and the continuing despair over the war paved the way to Chicago, where police violently confronted young protesters in the streets.

13.   To the chagrin of purists, many young protesters are not willing to bear even the smallest punishment, say a few hours in jail, for their disobedience.

14.   True, he did not defiantly challenge the system as so many young protesters did in the Vietnam War era.

15.   Police in civilian clothes confiscated videotapes and film from television cameramen and photographers who recorded police beating young protesters in several alleys.

16.   A group of young protesters were stopped by the men when they tried to book into a hotel outside the city center.

17.   A young protester touched his lighter to a paper Italian flag.

18.   As the deadline approached, demonstrators tried to face down security cordons, and police beat and arrested young protesters Monday.

19.   Eggs and snowballs thrown by the group of young protesters pelted people around Fini, according to the PAP reporter.

20.   He said that on one occasion he interfered to stop a police officer who was clubbing a young protester during the dispersal of a rally last March.

a. + protester >>共 484
palestinian 6.05%
angry 4.73%
anti-government 4.44%
catholic 3.55%
pro-democracy 2.55%
anti-abortion 2.51%
anti-nuclear 2.51%
young 2.22%
anti-war 1.94%
the 1.70%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
protester 0.11%
每页显示:    共 47