11.   He has denied any wrong doing.

12.   However, it cleared police chief Hedayat Lotfian, whose dismissal the student protesters had demanded, of any wrong doing.

13.   In May, Liburdy agreed with the government to retract three graphs supporting his conclusions but denied any wrong doing.

14.   Khashoggi denied any wrong doing, saying all his business transactions in Thailand were approved by the BBC board and official authorities.

15.   Microsoft spokesman Mark Murray, however, denied that the internal documents obtained by Justice show any wrong doing.

16.   Rao has denied any wrong doing.

17.   Six months later, the commission found no wrong doing and allowed the Jews to stay in Brazil.

18.   So denials are, in my opinion, not too important, because any person or organization will take that step when accused of committing some wrong doing.

19.   The adult driver of the van, William Ohana, was acquitted of any wrong doing.

20.   Until Thursday, the Supreme Court had to ask Congress for permission to try lawmakers accused of criminal wrong doing.

a. + doing >>共 126
wrong 11.64%
in 7.76%
good 4.31%
strange 4.31%
big 3.45%
comfortable 2.59%
well 2.59%
busy 1.72%
evil 1.72%
otherwise 1.72%
wrong + n. >>共 927
way 9.08%
place 5.66%
time 5.39%
side 4.07%
thing 3.33%
direction 3.16%
turn 3.01%
message 2.63%
hand 2.12%
reason 2.10%
doing 0.38%
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