11.   Egypt will try an Israeli citizen next week on charges of spying for Israeli intelligence, a move that could further worsen relations between the two countries.

12.   Many fear the pullout may only worsen relations in the city, home to both Jewish and Palestinian extremists.

13.   Mayor Djuro Bajic expressed hope that it would not worsen relations in the city.

14.   Opponents of Krasts criticized him for allegedly worsening relations with Russia.

15.   Similar incidents last month worsened relations between Latvia and Russia, which has accused Latvia of discriminating against its large ethnic Russian population.

16.   Sudanese officials have refrained from criticizing Libya for the expulsions, apparently fearful of further worsening relations.

17.   The allegations were sure to worsen relations with Italy, with which Albania has traditionally had close ties.

18.   That accusation and threats traded over a disputed area bordering the Red Sea have drastically worsened relations between the countries.

19.   The accusation and threats traded over a disputed area bordering the Red Sea have drastically worsened relations.

20.   The communist North has said the planned dump would worsen its relations with the capitalist South.

v. + relation >>共 544
improve 13.47%
have 9.25%
strain 6.07%
maintain 4.67%
normalize 3.37%
establish 2.28%
sour 2.23%
discuss 2.21%
strengthen 2.12%
damage 1.78%
worsen 0.46%
worsen + n. >>共 209
situation 13.21%
problem 11.94%
condition 7.12%
tension 4.57%
relation 4.32%
crisis 3.43%
shortage 3.30%
plight 1.78%
matter 1.52%
conflict 1.52%
每页显示:    共 34