11.   Yeltsin will continue his Asian offensive next weekend when he travels to China for a three-day summit.

12.   Iraq said that the weekend offensive was ordered after a Kurdish faction requested help from Baghdad.

13.   A weekend offensive by pro-government Afghan forces against the Taliban Islamic militia in western Herat province bordering Iran has failed, Afghan sources said Monday.

14.   Afghan sources in Iran added that a weekend offensive by pro-government forces against the Taliban had failed.

15.   Britain first proposed on Tuesday a draft which condemned Baghdad for its weekend offensive in Kurdish regions of northern Iraq.

16.   Britain proposed a draft resolution to the council on Tuesday which condemned Baghdad for a weekend offensive in Kurdish regions of northern Iraq.

17.   The refugees started moving across central Bosnia when Croatian forces bombarded secessionist Krajina Serbs into submission in a lightning weekend offensive.

18.   Turkey fears that the instability in northern Iraq due to fighting between rival Kurdish factions and the weekend offensive by Baghdad could strenghten rebel Turkish Kurds in the region.

19.   UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali has delayed implementation of the deal because of security concerns since the weekend offensive.

20.   Moscow-backed opposition forces failed to seize Grozny in a weekend offensive.

n. + offensive >>共 178
government 25.54%
army 12.21%
rebel 9.40%
ground 6.35%
charm 3.05%
air 2.49%
surprise 2.09%
spring 2.01%
weekend 1.77%
blitz 1.69%
weekend + n. >>共 1636
meeting 3.35%
game 2.27%
election 1.81%
trip 1.64%
series 1.63%
talk 1.51%
rain 1.46%
summit 1.40%
visit 1.31%
attack 1.11%
offensive 0.28%
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