11.   In addition, forecasters are calling for weekend rain in Ohio and Indiana, where wet weather has delayed planting.

12.   Inclement weather delayed work on the site, forcing the men to wait two weeks before they could begin to work.

13.   Rainy weather delayed construction in the spring and made the May deadline impossible to meet.

14.   Some traders were speculating that recent cold and wet weather would delay planting, which normally starts in the second half of April and runs through May.

15.   The bad weather is delaying the current harvest.

16.   The cool weather delays the bloom, which causes the individual grapes in a cluster to ripen unevenly.

17.   The cooler weather could delay final maturity of some of the crops and lead to early frost damage.

18.   The weather could slightly delay crop planting, which supported the market, analysts said.

19.   The weather has also delayed some of the cargo flights from Germany, where the Apaches and related forces are based.

20.   Their flights out of Tucson and Dallas were delayed by weather elsewhere.

n. + delay >>共 685
rain 7.80%
government 4.59%
problem 2.82%
weather 2.69%
official 2.69%
company 2.43%
court 1.65%
judge 1.52%
administration 1.21%
leader 1.13%
weather + v. >>共 516
be 26.62%
turn 2.76%
force 2.58%
continue 2.53%
permit 2.42%
cover 2.37%
improve 1.83%
make 1.81%
prevent 1.76%
persist 1.68%
delay 1.02%
每页显示:    共 62