11.   She even let the school-leavers who washed the dishes and cleared the tables look straight into her eyes.

12.   Sonia never cleans or even offers to wash the dishes.

13.   The man will more often take out the garbage, wash the dishes, and do other chores around the house.

14.   Within days he had a job washing dishes in a cafe in Long Island, east of New York.

15.   After Sunday lunch, my father washed the dishes while my sisters and I wiped up.

16.   She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.

17.   He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour.

18.   He washed the dishes and then rinsed them thoroughly.

19.   We have to wash the dishes.

20.   Most, like Louis Harper, had to fetch water for everything from baths to washing dishes and get rid of it outside.

v. + dish >>共 387
wash 10.86%
serve 8.27%
do 4.29%
make 3.72%
prepare 3.16%
finish 2.84%
cover 1.70%
have 1.64%
cook 1.52%
create 1.26%
wash + n. >>共 430
hand 21.28%
dish 8.39%
clothes 7.37%
car 6.88%
hair 4.20%
face 2.54%
window 2.29%
body 1.56%
blood 1.22%
wall 1.12%
每页显示:    共 171