11.   In addition, county registrars are prohibited in many instances from taking old names from voter rolls.

12.   Luntz found these Southern Californians by combing through voter registration rolls and by telephoning hundreds of people, searching for those who had yet to make up their minds.

13.   Musharraf said that past elections had been corrupted by money and that new voter rolls needed to be compiled and identity cards distributed.

14.   Most of the remaining ballots were cast by voters whose names were not listed on the voter roll.

15.   New York was overwhelmingly Democratic, with large Roman Catholic and Jewish voter rolls.

16.   Opposition party officials said the voter rolls are badly tainted.

17.   Plus the federal jury pool is culled from voter rolls and New York State Department of Motor Vehicle records.

18.   Several years ago, Georgia hired a private database firm to purge its voter rolls of duplicate registrations and registered voters who had died.

19.   The inquiry found the names of several thousand people who remained on the voter rolls even after their reputed deaths.

20.   The Legislature must deal with other election issues concerning absentee ballots, enfranchisement of ex-felons, accurate voter rolls and civil rights abuses.

n. + roll >>共 310
welfare 22.44%
voter 6.37%
honor 3.41%
drum 3.32%
body 3.32%
tax 2.78%
finger 2.42%
bread 1.97%
dinner 1.89%
lobster 1.62%
voter + n. >>共 392
turnout 17.05%
registration 9.30%
apathy 4.19%
list 4.16%
fraud 3.92%
approval 3.09%
card 2.49%
support 2.26%
roll 2.11%
drive 2.11%
每页显示:    共 71