11.   In fact, politicians now must worry about voter backlash against such tactics.

12.   Jeffords said conservative Republicans risk a voter backlash in November by establishing a harsh party line.

13.   Others caution that missteps could trigger a voter backlash.

14.   Past Congresses have balked at such changes, fearing a voter backlash.

15.   Opponents predicted a voter backlash in November.

16.   Poll results that earlier favored proceeding with the balloting are now showing majorities against it and exposing evidence of a potential voter backlash if Blair insists on going forward.

17.   Republican pollsters recently warned party leaders there could be a voter backlash against senators who support conviction.

18.   Some Democrats privately expressed concern that there would be a voter backlash against Gore for having a Jew on the ticket.

19.   Sperling asked, recalling the idiosyncratic neo-conservative from California swept into the Senate by the voter backlash against counterculture student protesters.

20.   The governing party is betting that the opposition will be forced to accept most of its proposals or risk a voter backlash.

n. + backlash >>共 77
voter 25.00%
consumer 11.25%
fan 5.00%
worker 3.13%
medium 2.50%
anti-impeachment 1.88%
protectionist 1.88%
grassroots 1.25%
strike 1.25%
grass-roots 1.25%
voter + n. >>共 392
turnout 17.05%
registration 9.30%
apathy 4.19%
list 4.16%
fraud 3.92%
approval 3.09%
card 2.49%
support 2.26%
roll 2.11%
drive 2.11%
backlash 1.19%
每页显示:    共 40