11.   After a day of relative calm, the volcano spewed lava and ash again Saturday in several new eruptions.

12.   Although the eruptions have largely subsided, the volcano still spews carbon dioxide and sulfur, a sign of continuing volcanic activity, the Meteorological Agency said Sunday.

13.   On Thursday, the volcano again spewed small clouds of rock, ash and gas.

14.   Scientists warn that commercial jets face an increasing hazard from clouds of gritty ash spewed by volcanoes, even as efforts to detect eruptions improve.

15.   So far, the Soufriere Hills volcano has spewed only ash, steam and noxious gases.

16.   So far, the Sourfriere Hills volcano has spewed only ash, steam and noxious gases.

17.   The huge Popocatepetl volcano spewed ash and gas a mile high above its crater in a brief eruption, monitors said Monday.

18.   The volcano has been spewing a steady column of smoke, ash, and steam into the sky, releasing enormous seismic pressure.

19.   The volcano is still spewing ash and smoke, and no one knows when the islanders will be able to go home.

20.   Three nights earlier, the volcano spewed red-hot rocks, setting off brushfires on its slopes.

n. + spew >>共 125
volcano 12.08%
machine 2.90%
smoke 2.90%
fire 2.42%
accident 1.93%
content 1.93%
gas 1.93%
factory 1.93%
eruption 1.93%
explosion 1.93%
volcano + v. >>共 112
erupt 16.74%
be 12.79%
spew 5.81%
begin 3.95%
threaten 3.02%
belch 2.33%
produce 2.09%
become 2.09%
rumble 1.86%
cause 1.86%
每页显示:    共 25